Our Family

Ella's 42 Week Update, April 9, 2009

Ella has really started to develop quite the little personality over the last 10 weeks. Our favorite story was from day care. A younger infant was crying near Ella, and she scooted over next to him and stuck her finger in his mouth so that he could suck it. She also LOVES music. She likes to "dance" to her favorite songs by bouncing up and down.

She still hasn't shown much interest in crawling or rolling over. She can flop herself onto her tummy from a sitting position, but then doesn't know what to do next and cries for us to pick her up. She has started to try pulling herself up and likes to hold onto objects to stand. We think she may just bypass crawling and go straight to walking.

Ella has also been doing a great job of learning to feed herself. She LOVES puffed rice stars. Other foods she tried were cooked carrots, mashed potatoes, bananas, mandarin oranges and cheerios.

She is very vocal, but it is still more sounds than words. Every once in a while, she sounds like she says a word perfectly, but then won't repeat it. I swear she said, "Mickey" the other morning when we were watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She says, "Ma-Ma" and "Da-Da" pretty good, and also, "Duh" for her rubber ducky (an most of her other toys, to be honest). She can also sign for her bottle and for "more".

Here are more Ella pictures from the last 10 weeks.

Last Updated: 4/9/09