Home Projects

St. Valentine's Day Blizzard, February 14, 2007

During the winter of 2007, it seemed like we got a major snow storm on every holiday: St. Patrick's Day, President's Day, but none bigger than the St. Valentine's Day Blizzard of 2007.

Sue's work actually closed for the Day of and the the Day after the storm. Scott's called in the Day of, and his work was closed the Day after.

The snow was falling at a rate of 3-4 inches an hour, so Scott had to go out every couple of hours to keep up with the snow.

With all the wind, snow drifted up even deeper than 3 feet.

Sue watched in horror from the house as Scott was almost taken out by a plow truck near the road. The truck came to such a fast stop, that a second plow truck behind it had to swerve into a snow bank to stop in time.

We had about two and half feet of snow by our mail box.

The roads were still pretty bad. It took most of the next day for the road crews to get the roads cleared off.

Before the winter started, neither of us had ever used a snow blower before. By the time the storm was over, Scott was an expert.

Overall, our home weathered the storm very well. It was actually nice to be snowed in to our own house.

Over the course of a 24 hour period, we got 33 inches of snow fall.

Last Updated: 12/23/07